The early birds vs night owls chronotypes say a lot about a person. Whether you go to bed late or get up at the crack of dawn may be due to your genes. Some research suggests that there might be genetic differences between larks and night owls. Larks, or morning people, tend to go to bed early and wake up early. They reach their peak performance earlier during the day. While owls, or evening people, prefer to go to bed late and sleep late. And they reach their peak performance later in the day.
Bedtime isn’t the only area in which early birds and night owls chronotypes differ!
Your chronotype can greatly impact your life. This includes your lifestyle, personality, as well as your health. People who like staying up late often find themselves at constant odds with their daily schedules. Particularly work and school schedules, since those require early morning starts. This can leave night owls to becoming sleep deprived. They may experience unpleasant symptoms as a result. Including fatigue, difficulty focusing, physical pain, and discomfort.
According to research, there are differences in brain metabolic function between night owls and early birds. These metabolic differences are shown in regions of the brain involved with mood. This may be one reason why night owls are at higher risk for depression related to insomnia. Studies have also shown that night owls are prone to more significant tobacco and alcohol use. As well as inclined to have less healthful diets, and eating more than early risers.
But, studies have also shown that night owls are more productive than early birds. They tend to have more stamina throughout the length of their days. Night owls also display greater reasoning and analytical abilities than early birds. They achieve greater financial and professional success on average than their early bird counterparts. Especially if they stick to an entrepreneurial path!
As you can see, the early birds vs night owls chronotypes have different personality traits. Are you one of those people who rises with the sun and never needs an alarm clock? Or would you much rather sleep until mid-morning, if you could? What do YOU find to be the biggest pros and cons of your chronotype? Let us know in the comments below!
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