Brainy Dose

10 Strange Laws You Won’t Believe Exist

Strange laws are all over the world, and they are remaining in effect. Laws that seem just outright ridiculous! The actual reasoning behind them is rather unclear. Many of these laws are also outdated. Even lawmakers themselves aren’t aware they even exist. Most of these laws serve no actual purpose, or even relevance to our society today. While they may never hold up in court, they still remain valid. The reason they still exist is that nobody has ever bothered to repeal them.

These 10 strange laws from around the world will make you question their existence!

Laws deal with the most fundamental concerns of our lives. Human rights, war and peace, and the financial stability of nations. These dumb laws that made out list come from around the world. They come from places such as Australia, the United States, Canada and Europe. Let’s hope that any ridiculous and weird laws passed today become void well before they end up on any lists.

In this video, we gathered 10 strange laws that actually exist and they will shock you! Whether there is any valid reason they were ever passed or they were just created for gags, we will never know. Nonetheless, they will raise some questions for their existence.