Brainy Dose

15 Surprising Things Guys Find Unattractive

Here are some surprising things guys find unattractive. More often than they probably should, girls wonder what it is about them that guys might find unattractive. Are they too short? Too tall? Too fat? Too thin? Too boyish? Too feminine? Too whatever? Girls do everything in their power to get the attention of the opposite gender. However, some of their actions and behaviors can actually have the opposite effect

In fact, girls may not even be aware of certain things guys find unattractive!

Of course, these things only drive men away, when all they’re really trying to do is draw guys toward them. From wearing too much makeup and perfume to being excessively confident, playing hard to get and smoking – there are things girls do that guys don’t like! When it comes to their confessions, guys definitely draw the line at things that they consider a major turn off.

So, if you’re a girl, you should take note of the following. Watch this video and learn some surprising things guys find unattractive about girls! If you’re a guy, check out what girls find unattractive about guys!