Brainy Dose

15 Things You Should Know if You Love a Highly Sensitive Person

There are certain things you should know if you love a highly sensitive person because loving an HSP is not an average experience. These individuals need to be loved differently than others. And there are many things that must be taken into consideration when in a relationship with highly sensitive people. Understanding them will help you communicate more effectively, and strengthen your relationship as well.

Let’s explore some of the things you should know if you love a highly sensitive person

It’s not uncommon for empaths, or highly sensitive types to attract all sorts of people! They have an aura of compassion and understanding. This makes others want to flock to them. That’s why when you love a highly sensitive person, you’ll remain in a state of attraction for much longer than in other relationships. These people are so highly attuned to their nervous system, that they feel emotions in a very real and complex way. They love differently than others do… And this can take a little getting used to!

When presented with conflict, they are more likely to walk away

It’s best to give them the time and distance necessary for them to make decisions and express themselves. Since they are so affected by the emotions and moods of others, they can be prone to mood swings. With all of these deep feelings, a sensitive person’s need for downtime is imperative. Highly sensitive people also have what some people would call an “extreme” nature. They either they love something, or they can’t stand it. They also weigh options over and over, when it comes to making decisions, in order to increase their chances of a positive outcome. So, it’s best not to rush or pressure them into doing something, until they’ve thought it through completely.

Loving a highly sensitive person means you will have someone who truly listens

However, they do listen to everything and will call you out on inconsistencies when you contradict yourself. They also have an uncanny ability to recount all of the wrongs harbored against them, and it can be incredibly hard for them to shake it off and move on. They are gracious enough to forgive someone, but they probably won’t put themselves in the same situation again. And one of the most important the things you should know if you love a highly sensitive person is that they have a hard time letting things go. If you break up with a highly sensitive person, you will likely experience more drama than with others.