Brainy Dose

17 Signs Of A High Functioning Alcoholic

Here are some tell-tale signs that someone you know may be a high functioning alcoholic. Now, you may be wondering… How can anyone function well and be an alcoholic at the same time? It sounds contradictory. Yet, this is exactly the definition of someone who is a functioning alcoholic!

A high functioning alcoholic finds it difficult to admit that they have a problem

This person holds a steady job, dresses well, and can socialize without drawing attention to their drinking problem. They appear to have everything under control. However, these outside perceptions all hide the truth that they are actually struggling with alcohol addiction. People like this are difficult to discern and deal with. The way they see it if the world doesn’t see they have a problem, it doesn’t exist.

The high-functioning alcoholic doesn’t set out to get drunk

This person believes that drinking doesn’t affect their behavior. They believe that they’ve got it under control. But, what often happens is, that they get drunk even though they don’t intend to. One drink is never all there is. It always leads to more, until it’s past the point of no return.

According to experts, hiding alcohol is a major sign of alcoholism

When they’re not engaged in their social responsibilities, such as work or parties, functioning alcoholics spend their time holed up in a bar or quietly drinking at home. They will usually keep their alcohol in a secret place. They may even forbid people from being in their home because they don’t want to expose their drinking habits to others. Those with a serious alcohol problem will sometimes replace food with alcohol. Or, they will use mealtime to give themselves an excuse to drink.

Relationships suffer

A high functioning alcoholic may seem to have it all going on the outside. But, more often than not, they are experiencing significant personal or professional problems in reality. Being in a relationship with, or being under the care of an alcoholic can exert serious psychological and emotional damage. In addition, the effects of alcohol on the body can be severe – from liver disease to memory loss and even brain damage. Nevertheless, it’s possible to quit bad habits for good. With the right kind of treatment, one can successfully withdraw from alcohol and get back to living a sober, happy, healthy life.