Brainy Dose

20 Things Confident People Don’t Do

In this video, we are going to highlight some things confident people don’t do which sets them apart from the rest. Those who are truly self confident always have the upper hand. Because they inspire others, and they make things happen! Embracing these behaviors is a great way to increase your odds for success. Which in turn, will lead to more confidence.

One of the things confident people don’t do is seeking constant praise!

Someone with confidence knows that their success does not depend on other people’s approval. They understand that no matter how well they perform, there’s always going to be somebody out there offering nothing but criticism. And for them, social media is about sharing what’s happening – and not a place for being worshiped. They would rather post a quote they love or a picture of a tree than a flaming hot selfie.

Self assured people don’t seek happiness from the outside

Happiness is a critical element of confidence. In order to be confident in what you do, you have to be happy with who you are. People who brim with confidence derive their sense of pleasure and satisfaction from their own accomplishments. They are able to accept their own weaknesses gracefully and put more time and effort into endeavors where they know they’ll have more likelihood of success.

Confident people don’t compromise their values

People with self confidence live in alignment with their values, and will never compromise themselves or what they hold dear. However, they don’t force their beliefs on anyone else – whether those beliefs are political or religious. They have a clear understanding that these beliefs and choices are personal for everyone. They may stand up for themselves when others oppose – but will never challenge what other people think, nor feel the need to tell them that they are wrong.

True confidence is very different from egotistical swagger!

Learning how to be confident is important. But, when people believe in themselves, there are things they simply don’t do. They improve the things they can, strive to put their best foot forward, and then accept themselves as they are. They don’t try to be someone they’re not. Confident people understand that self-assurance comes from feeling good about who they are and what they can achieve by being completely authentic.