Brainy Dose

Dealing With Rude People – 15 Communication Tips

Dealing with rude people can be challenging. It’s really easy to give these people an attitude in return, particularly when it’s someone you don’t think you’ll ever see again. However, by stopping, thinking, and responding correctly, you can walk away from the interaction feeling much more pleasant.

When it comes to dealing with rude people the quickest way to lose control of a situation is to lose your cool!

By letting your anger get the better of you, you indirectly validate their behavior. Raising your voice, pointing your finger, or speaking disrespectfully to a rude person, will only add fuel to an already heated situation. Plus, it shows that they are destroying your self-control. Don’t try to talk over the person – use a low, calm, even monotone voice. Wait until the person takes a breath, and then speak.

Don’t react, respond instead

Another benefit of keeping your composure is that it allows you to proactively respond, rather than negatively react. Feeling calm, in control, thinking and acting from a position of strength, rather than being out of control and trying to recover from what you’ve said or done, will help you think through a better way of handling the issue. This will also help you earn respect.

If all else fails, “kill them with kindness!”

Dealing with rude people can be tough, but it’s a skill you can improve to enhance positive and productive conversations. While you cannot control another person’s rude words or actions, you can choose how to respond to them. Ignore the rudeness and simply respond kindly. Keep in mind that many people are rude because they feel frustrated, angry or are dealing with stress. Although their personal circumstances do not justify rudeness, understanding where they are coming from can help you respond to them in a way that neither upsets you nor leads to rude responses.