Brainy Dose

10 Traits of An Empath – Signs You’re A Highly Sensitive Person

Traits of An Empath - Signs You Are a Highly Sensitive Person

Here are the most common traits of an empath! An empath is a highly sensitive person who feels the emotions of those around them. Empathic people are likely to feel overwhelmed by crowds and loud noises. Like introverts, they are prone to feeling completely exhausted. Often to the point of fatigue! Introverts and empaths actually share many traits. But, there are certain behaviours of an authentic empath that’s easy to spot.

But how to know if you’re an empath?

Being an empath means that you are sensitive to many types of energies. This means that you react emotionally to being over-stimulated. You also have a deep sense of knowing other people’s motives. Another wonderful trait you have is your ability to connect with animals. Needless to say, you likely have a pet, or two at home! Because of your highly sensitive nature, you may also follow a vegan diet. Many of you are protesters for animal rights!

Among the most distinctive traits of an empath is the need for more ‘alone time’

Like magnets, empathic people often attract others into their lives. But, you are highly emotional, and picking up others’ emotional energies drains you. For this reason, you are one of those people who like to be alone often to recharge. Also, you may often drift off into your own little world! Yep. Especially if something is particularly boring. Or completely disconnected from emotion.

Are you free-spirited? Do you find rules and routines debilitating?

Empaths like to feel free to express themselves in the world, in their own unique way. They are often drawn to adventure, travel, and freedom. As a highly sensitive person, you often feel inspiration from beyond. Whether you’re a painter, musician, mathematician, inventor, or social revolutionary! You’re propelled to do things that move society forward. Your music preferences vary based on your emotional states. Nonetheless, you tend to listen to a broad range of music genres.

If you find you resonate with many of these traits of an empath, take it as a great thing. You are a gifted being!