Brainy Dose

How To Know if Someone Is Secretly Jealous of You – TOP 10 Signs of Jealousy

How To Know if Someone is Jealous - Top 10 Signs of Jealousy

There are tell-tale signs that will help you spot a person who is secretly jealous of you! Sometimes in our social circle, we notice this one person that looks at us with disgust or gives off bad vibes of hatred. And we can’t even figure out what we did to them! It could be because they are jealous, and they just can’t accept what you have achieved. But how do we know who they are? Well, it’s not hard to find out.

How to know if someone is secretly jealous of you? It’s quite easy to spot!

Jealous people typically are not that impressed by your success. They will constantly try to belittle your achievements, sometimes going to very cruel lengths to do so. When someone is secretly jealous of you, they will first give you compliments for your work or successes in life. But the moment you turn your back, they will start making derogatory remarks about you. They will also try throwing you off track by telling you that everything you have done about something is wrong and that you need to re-do it.

The imitation done by jealous people around you is sometimes aimed to copy everything you do and trying hard to do it better than you. In addition, they’ll start giving unnecessary advice that you can feel will ruin your efforts. A person who is secretly jealous of you will begin to adopt your dressing style, socialize with people around in the same way as you do, and even try to be as successful as you in your career!

Experiencing one-ups time and again shouldn’t really affect us that much since we know that there’s really no contest going on… That said, one-ups can totally be among the signs of jealousy! So take note if it keeps happening.

Remember, jealous people don’t choose to be like this. They develop this trait in their childhoods, where adult guidance is scarce, and as a result, they end up conditioning their minds to grow greed for materialistic desires. You may want to learn some of these Clever Psychological Hacks to turn envious people on your side.