Brainy Dose

How To Stop Being Shy And Quiet – 12 Tips To Overcome Shyness!

Follow these strategies and learn how to overcome shyness and become more confident in life! Shyness is when you spend too much time in your head, judging yourself. Based on other people’s standards and opinions. You are constantly trying to figure out how you should be acting and behaving in various situations. Self-consciousness can be a major factor and a cause of a lack of self-confidence.

If you want to overcome shyness and social anxiety, you need to understand that people are not looking at you!

Most of them are far too busy looking at themselves. If you are always trying to fit in, you are doing nothing more than wearing yourself out. Just accept the fact that not everyone will like you, and this is OK. It’s normal! Having said that, taking care of yourself can totally boost your confidence! Even just small things, like showering, flossing your teeth and keeping your nails trimmed can make a big difference in how you feel about yourself. To gain confidence and self esteem, find something you enjoy and know you are good at. Focusing on doing this very thing, whatever it is, could help you overcome your shyness. Knowing that you have some unique quality will boost your self-confidence.

If you don’t start talking to people, you will never stop being shy and awkward!

Yes, it can be hard to Deal With Social Anxiety And Socially Awkward Situations. But, you need to try to be a bit more talkative and practice talking more openly with friends, family, and even complete strangers. Approach others and strike up a conversation. This will give you a chance to meet new people, and you will be facing your fear of talking to others. Making eye contact is one of the best confidence building activities you can do! Direct eye contact helps create a more emotional and meaningful connection. And, the more eye contact you make, the more interested you seem!

So start saying yes to invitations, and be around people more and socialize with others who share your interests. If you constantly put yourself around people, you will get used to it. And this will definitely help you stop being shy and quiet! By doing these self confidence tips every day, you can slowly overcome shyness and become more confident, until you can publicly display who you are.