Brainy Dose

How To Stop Worrying – 15 Ways To Deal With Anxiety

In this video, we’ll teach you how to stop worrying. But you must learn a few different ways to deal with anxiety! Occasional worry is natural. However, ‘normal’ worry becomes excessive when it’s persistent and uncontrollable. Unrelenting thoughts and fears interfere with your daily life. They can sap your emotional energy, and send your anxiety levels soaring. Fortunately, chronic worrying is a mental habit that can be broken. The following tips come in handy if you are looking for ways to deal with social anxiety as well.

If you’re wondering how to stop worrying, you need to train your brain to stay calm

We worry excessively because we tend to focus on problems that are beyond our ability to solve. Or, things we cannot control. When you have vague fears in your mind, you lack clarity. It’s very easy to get lost in exaggerated worries and disaster scenarios. Sometimes, we even try to create our own story about what’s going on in a person’s mind! We also worry when we have incorrect information. Or, when we don’t have enough information. Most of the time, as you are presented with the whole picture, you will realize that there is really no reason to worry.

There are different ways to deal with anxiety and here’s how to train your brain to stop worrying!

Instead of worrying all day, every day, designate a 30-minute period of time where you can think about your problems. You can use the designated ‘worry time’ to find solutions for your problems. Rather than just focusing on the problems themselves. Trying to overpower worry, only ignites anxiety and worrying thoughts. When you have a thought you don’t like, your body responds by struggling physically to control it – and this intensifies the thought. What you need to do is actually the opposite! Interrupt the urge to stronghold your anxiety, and allow acceptance and mindfulness to enter.

A little worry is a good thing, but everyone’s threshold is different. And you need to pay attention when things start getting out of control! Thankfully, reversing or completely avoiding excessive worry is totally up to you and in your hands. Your brain adapts easily, and you can train it to worry less, by introducing these changes.