Brainy Dose

How To Memorize Fast And Easily

If you want to know how to memorize fast and easily, try these techniques! Whether it’s a new technology, a foreign language, or an advanced skill, being a quick learner can certainly give you an edge. But using the following memorization techniques can have an even greater effect on your brain! First, you learn the information at hand, and second, you become better at remembering over time.

To memorize fast and easily start with the Loci technique

Also known as the memory palace, the Loci technique is super easy to use! All you have to do is try to associate each item you’re trying to remember with a specific image and a place. You can take this one step further by using the storytelling technique. By creating different images that include items you need to memorize, and connecting them in a sequence, you create a story your brain can follow.

You can try mnemonics, or start chunking!

While most mnemonics can be a bit tricky to remember, once you do, it’s going to be preserved in your mind for a long time. One of the most popular mnemonics you can try is to create memorable sentences that are constructed out of words that start with the same letter as the items you are trying to memorize. For example, remember the order of mathematic operations PEMDAS this way: Please (P) Excuse (E) My (M) Dear (D) Aunt (A) Sally (S).

The chunking technique is all about grouping items together in order to remember them easier. The key aspect that makes this technique work is grouping things based on semantic encoding. This means that things are put into groups according to context or pattern.

But be sure to write it, and not type it

If you really want to know how to memorize anything, put away your laptop! According to studies, you’re more likely to remember information if you write your notes by hand! When you’re writing by hand, your brain is more active in forming each letter. Compared to typing on a keyboard where each letter is represented by identical keys.

While memory might still be a mystery to us, studies have shown that these techniques will help you memorize fast and easily, and retain more of what you learn. Of course, don’t forget to get enough rest, exercise regularly, and eat plenty of foods that boost brain power and improve memory.