Brainy Dose

15 Things Only People With Social Anxiety Will Understand!

Things Only People With Social Anxiety Will Understand

From having to deal with frequent panic attacks to being overly concerned about one’s appearance, there are things only people with social anxiety will understand. We all know the feeling of being nervous or uncomfortable in a social situation. Such as having an interview, or giving a presentation. But, if you have social anxiety, the stress of these situations becomes too much to handle.

Social anxiety is the fear of social situations that involve interaction with other people

Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, involves intense fear of certain social situations. Especially in situations that are unfamiliar. These situations may be so frightening that you get anxious just thinking about them. Most of the time, you go to great lengths to avoid these situations, disrupting your life in the process.

Some of the things only people with social anxiety will understand include: the fear of being scrutinized, judged, or embarrassed in public

People with social anxiety often seem as shy and quiet. Even withdrawn, inhibited, unfriendly, nervous, aloof, and disinterested. However, people with social anxiety truly want to make friends. Be part of groups. And they would like to be involved and engaged in social interactions. Some people who are introverted feel anxious in social situations. But, there are key differences between introversion and social anxiety. Introvert vs Extrovert vs Ambivert – Which One Are You?

Having social anxiety prevents people from being able to do the things they want to do. You probably realize that your fears of being judged are at least somewhat irrational and overblown. Yet, you still can’t help feeling anxious.

While you may feel alone, you should know that this condition is quite common. In fact, about 7% of the population suffers from some form of social anxiety. Nevertheless, you have specific challenges, and here are the most common things only people with social anxiety will understand!