Brainy Dose

Things Your Sleeping Position Reveals About You – Sleeping Styles

Things Your Sleeping Position Reveals About You

Things Your Sleeping Position Reveals About You

You would never guess the things your sleeping position reveals about you! When it comes to our sleeping style, we all have our preferences, however, the one thing we all have in common is the fact that we have to sleep! One way or another, all of us need to get that good night’s sleep so that we can function normally the next day.

The things your sleeping position reveals about you may surprise you!

Researchers, psychologists and sleep scientists alike have been studying the most common sleep positions to get an inside scoop about what they actually mean. It turns out, there are different preferred sleeping positions, and each can tell a lot about someone’s personality.

So, how do you know what your sleeping position says about you?

Well, how do you sleep at night? Do you like to sleep in the fetal sleeping position? Or the soldier sleeping position? Do you like the log sleeping position? Or you embrace the yearner sleeping position? How about the freefaller sleeping position, or the starfish sleeping position? Do you find yourself in the drunk sleeping position more than occasionally? Are you a pillow hugger or a snorer?

Do your sleeping style and personality type match up?

If you want to know what your sleeping position says about your personality, watch this video! And before you go to bed tonight, check out the position you find yourself in right before you fall asleep. If you want to get a little more insight into someone’s true personality, you can observe them while they sleep. Just be mindful about this – you don’t want to come across as a creep!

You can also find out What Your Feet Reveal About Your Personality, as well as What Your Nose Shape Says About Your Personality. You may also find it fascinating What Your Eye Colour Reveals about You! So be sure to check these out!