Brainy Dose

15 Weird Phobias that Actually Exist!

These weird phobias will surprise you! We are all familiar with some of the most common fears and phobias, from the fear of spiders to the fear of clowns. Thousands of people around the world are tormented by different phobias! These crazy fears may result from some kind of trauma or personal experience. This can include classical conditioning. But, they can also emerge from observing other’s experiences or reactions. Fear can also develop in the mind based on the description of a fearsome thing.

Those who suffer from weird phobias live with fear that may seem rather strange in the eyes of others

A phobia (disease or medical condition) is an irrational, persistent fear of certain situations, objects, activities, or persons. The main symptom is an excessive and unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. ASAP, and at all cost! Needless to say, weird phobias can be devastating to cope with on a day to day life. Similarly to having to live with these strangest allergies. Some can be absurd, while others seem silly. Some fears seem like funny phobias. But, sufferers are deeply affected by their weird fears on a daily basis. Yes, these are some of the most amazing facts of life…and they are true.

There are many strange fears that people tend to have. Some have a fear of height, while others have a fear of closed, dark places. The sun or bright lights can evoke deep fears too. People also fear snakes and terrified of dogs. But, some strange phobias includes the fear of flowers and the fear of mirrors or reflections. While for others, an erect penis or small holes are terrifying. The fear of hair, or by a simple touch are also weird. Have you heard of the fear of bellybuttons, and balloons? Or the fear of rain, children, or beard? Did you know that sleeping or the gravity is terrifying to some? Crazy!

There are many, many different types of weird phobias. They can be different and strange and they affect about 10% of the adult population around the world. In this video, we list the Top 15!

Our list of phobias includes Anthophobia, Spectrophobia, and Ithyphallophobia. Trypophobia, and Chaetophobia. Haphephobia, Ablutophobia, and Omphalophobia. Somniphobia, Globophobia, and Ombrophobia. Pogonophobia, Pedophobia, Barophobia as well as Ergophobia.

Do you have any strange phobias? Let us know!