Brainy Dose

15 Different Types Of Hugs And What They Really Mean

In this video, we explore 15 different types of hugs and what they really mean. Hugging is something that brings people together and makes us feel good. It also reduces anxiety and makes us feel like we belong to someone. It can reduce stress hormones, thus allowing us to sleep better. Not only that, but according to studies, couples that hug more in their relationships end up the happiest. In most cases, they have less marital problems as well. Hugging a certain way is one of the things guys do that girls like – and vice versa.

It’s important to know the different types of hugs and their meanings!

For example, when someone is trying to get frisky or intimate with you, they give you a straddle hug. When someone gives you the London Bridge type of hug, it’s an obvious sign that he or she doesn’t really want to hug you, but is only doing so because they feel they have to. While the pick pat hug happens between two guys who don’t really want to be seen hugging one another. But it’s also completely normal to give someone a quick hug like this when in a hurry.

People often use the one arm reach when they are in a good mood or when they hug their friends and acquaintances. You can often see the one arm reach, or side hug when people are being photographed as well. But the bear hug is more popular in love relationships when two people are in love. Similarly, the pickpocket hug is the kind of a hug, you only give your significant other.

Hugs aren’t as simple as they seem!

There are a lot of complex things involved in each type of hug. Understanding the different types of hugs and their meanings can save you from embarrassment and confusion. You’ll be able to know just what people mean when they hug you in different ways.