Brainy Dose

12 Weird Things That Actually Exist In Japan – You Won’t Believe!

12 Weird Things That Actually Exist in Japan

This video highlights 12 weird things that actually exist in Japan! Japan is a fascinating and extremely unique country. Japan simply cannot be compared to any other country in this world! It has a rich culture and it’s filled with all kinds of traditions, inventions, technologies, and bold fashion trends.

Japan is a place you MUST visit!

If you like traveling around the world and getting to know different cultures, then you got to visit Japan! (check out these popular Tourist Scams And How To Avoid Them). Japan is the mysterious oriental country where the unusual is followed as normal. When we think about this nation, a number of different things come to mind. Such as rice, Sushi, kimonos, sumo, and origami. Anime, Tokyo, and Hello Kitty. Chopsticks, geisha, and the atomic bomb. Samurais and beautiful writing, etc.

But, there are many weird things that actually exist in Japan!

Japan is actually the home to a lot of things that seem a bit odd or unusual to foreigners! Such as crooked teeth cosmetic procedures and capsule hotels. Bizarre Kit Kat flavors, which includes soy sauce, baked potato, cherry blossom and green tea and wasabi. Weird hamburger wrappers with a printed face (Liberation Wrapper). Sleeping on the job (a practice called “inemuri”) and having a suicide forest (Aokigahara). Adult adoptions are very popular too, in Japan.

The Japanese have designated toilet slippers, high tech toilets, and endless vending machine options. Let’s not forget the KFC Christmas tradition and the famous Hōnen Matsuri (a fertility festival, including a giant wooden phallus). Amongst other weird things that only exist in Japan! As you can tell, there are a lot of interesting facts about Japan you didn’t know.

From strange to bizarre, the following weird things that actually exist in Japan will definitely baffle you – to say the least!